Plastic Surgery

The Role Of The Plastic Surgeon Before And After The Surgery


The role of a plastic surgeon start with a session of information and consultation, in which a few objectives must be met which are as follows.



Listen to the Patient’s Wishes


The plastic surgeon must know all the aspirations, doubts and concerns of the patient, so that he can explain what is possible and what is not and, according to his experience, he will be able to suggest which solutions would bring a more natural result, depending on the patient’s state.


Have a Complete Medical History


Before indicating the surgical treatment and by means of a complete anamnesis, the plastic surgeon must know the current and past health of the patient to rule out the possible risks, as well as make an initial examination of the area to be treated.


Report on Surgery


The plastic surgeon should explain the surgical techniques in a language understandable to the patient, describe the advantages and disadvantages of the surgery, possible risks, type of anesthesia, and answer to all questions of the patient.


This information must be provided directly by the plastic surgeon. We recommend that you should not trust the information provided by a commercial adviser or customer service representative about the surgery.


Realistic Expectations of the Results


The plastic surgeon must be honest about the results that can be obtained. No surgery is guaranteed in advance regarding the results, so you have to avoid promises of results or utopian expectations.


Show before-and-after Images


Before-and-after photos of the surgical treatment allow the patient to know both the result of the technique and the surgeon’s expertise. These images are taken with the consent of the patients, since their identity is not reflected in them, only the treated area is shown to observe result’s scope.


Report on Preoperative Tests


To rule out any risk, it is necessary for the plastic surgeon to inform the patient about preoperative tests that are appropriate before surgery. Most are usually simple tests like blood tests, electrocardiograms, preanesthetic studies, ultrasound, etc. The results of test are crucial to determine whether or not the patient can undergo the surgical treatment.


Provide Informed Consent


Informed consent is a document that contains relevant and clear information about the surgical technique to be performed and identification of plastic surgeon, alternatives to treatment and other factors that patient should know. The patient should always consent before undergoing surgery.



Make a Personalized Quote


Surgical treatment is a procedure that must be fully adapted to the needs and characteristics of each patient, so we recommend to be wary of offers or commercial claims that offer unique or very low prices, since drastic reduction of the price, which prevents coverage costs, is linked to the decline in quality and safety. Budget should be tailored to the particularities and specific requirements of each patient.


Report on Postoperative Revisions


The revisions after surgery should be performed by the same plastic surgeon who should also inform about the domestic care the patient should take into account for a better postoperative recovery.


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